Dallashomerental.com helps you find a North Dallas home, house, duplex, fourplex, townhouse or townhome property in Dallas, Texas. All of the following properties are owned and operated by Smoger Properties.
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We have properties in the North Dallas area. All of our rentals are duplexes, fourplexes, and townhomes located near Walnut Hill and Marsh Lane in Dallas. The duplexes are on Stables Lane and the fourplexes (townhomes and townhouses) are on Rickshaw Drive in Dallas, Texas.
We try to provide the best resident service possible. We pride ourselves on integrity, consistency and responsiveness. See what our present and former residents say about us under our Testimonial page.
If you are looking for a nice, well maintained home, house, duplex, townhouse, townhome or fourplex to rent, you have come to the right place. Take a few minutes to explore our website and then let us know how we can be of service to you. Many of our residents stay with us for a very long time. We generally do not lose our residents until they have a life changing event such as moving from Dallas, marriage, divorce or educational reasons.
Everything we have for lease is now under our Available Properties page. If it is not there, it is not for rent. Thanks for taking the time to review our rental properties.